services and facilities
services and facilities

Privileges and Complimentary Services

Free In-town Check-in Service

For a seamless start to your journey, Airport Express passengers can use the In-town Check-in service offered by the specified airlines at Hong Kong or Kowloon Station during the service hours listed below. This service is only applicable to flights operated by the specified airlines (not applicable to codeshare flights operated by other airlines) and is only available to passengers holding valid electronic travel documents#. For all other passengers, please proceed to the airport for check-in.

Airlines Service Hours at Hong Kong Station Service Hours at Kowloon Station
Cathay Pacific 6:00am to 11:00pm 6:00am to 3:00pm
Hong Kong Airlines 6:00am to 7:00pm 6:00am to 3:00pm
Qantas Airways 7:00am to 6:00pm 7:00am to 3:00pm
Singapore Airlines 9:00am to 5:20pm Currently not available

Passengers with valid electronic travel documents can check-in^ as early as 24 hours in advance and up to 90 minutes before their scheduled flight departure time during the service hours. The service hours and check-in times of airlines may vary depending on their flight schedules, and you are advised to contact your airline for updated information.

Passengers must use an Octopus or an Airport Express ticket to enter the In-town Check-in area. The full fare will be deducted at the In-town Check-in entry gate, with no further charges made at the platform entry gate. (For Octopus users, the same Octopus must be used to enter the In-town Check-in area and the platform, and during this period, there should not be more than 9 transaction records on the Octopus.)

Passengers can save time by using the Smart Check-in Kiosks1 in the In-town Check-In area to check-in, and collect their boarding passes and luggage tags. After completing the check-in process with the kiosks, passengers can proceed to the Self Bag Drop Counters2 to drop off their baggage.

# Electronic travel documents include, but are not limited to, e-passports, Mainland Travel Permits for Hong Kong and Macao Residents, and Exit-Entry Permits for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao. Please check if your passport cover or permit has the following icon.

EPassport logo

^ In-town Check-in service is available for any passengers whose baggage does not exceed the size of 145cm (length) x 100cm (width) x 85cm (height) and weight of 32kg. For enquiries on baggage size, please check with your airline or Airport Express station staff.

1 How to use the Smart Check-in Kiosks
Step 1: Scan your passport or boarding pass to retrieve your flight information
Step 2: Verify your personal information and print your luggage tag
Step 3: Review or select your seat and print your boarding pass (passengers who have already checked-in can change their seats here)
Step 4: Attach the luggage tag to your baggage
Step 5: Proceed to the Self Bag Drop Counter to drop your baggage

2 How to use the Self Bag Drop Counters
Step 1: Place your baggage on the conveyor belt
Step 2: Scan your face with the camera
Step 3: Follow the instructions on the screen
Step 4: Use the handheld scanner to scan the luggage tag attached to your baggage
Step 5: Collect the claim tag

Please click here or watch the video to learn more.
Please speak to your airline staff if your travel document cannot be read by the Smart Check-in Kiosk.