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MTR > Plan Your Trip - 港铁
Tips for you: From August 25, 2024, Hong Kong residents aged 60 or above must use the JoyYou Card to enjoy the $2 Scheme. Passengers aged 65 or above can only enjoy "Concessionary Fare" which is about half the Adult Fare using an Elder Octopus. Using Octopus to exit the gate between 7:15 and 8:15 a.m. in the following trip (s) can earn a fare ... - 2024-09-24
新增更多信用卡選擇 認住淺藍色閘機一拍過閘! - 港铁
2024年8月24日起,乘客可以使用Visa, Mastercard及銀聯感應式卡 * 出入閘搭港鐵,多元化的電子支付選擇為本地及海外旅客提供便利,同時推動智慧出行新體驗!. * 信用卡或扣賬卡(不包括銀聯扣賬卡). 註:不適用於機場快綫車站、輕鐵及港鐵巴士,其他港鐵提供 ... - 2024-09-24
MTR > Customer Services - 港铁
Customer Services. The Light Rail network offers the following 4 Customer Service Centres to handle your general enquiries, ticketing issues, octopus watches/ornaments and souvenir needs. - 2024-09-22
MTR Map - 港铁
View the interactive MTR map to plan your train journey across Hong Kong. Find stations, routes, fares and timetables. - 2024-09-25
MTR > Network Improvements - 港铁
It is targeted to commence construction in 2025 for completion in 2034. Remarks: The targeted construction commencement and completion dates are subject to change as per the actual situation. Click here to visit the Northern Link project website to learn more. - 2024-09-26
港鐵 > 車票及車費
其他優惠. 泊車轉乘. 泊車轉乘港鐵 - 慳錢又省時. 港鐵轉乘優惠幫你慳更多! 用八達通搭港鐵轉乘全港超過500條綠色專線小巴,即享$ 0.5 或以上轉乘優惠!. 機場快綫早晨專綫服務. 乘客可使用有效八達通以優惠價港幣25元,乘搭機場快綫由九龍站或青衣站前往 ... - 2024-09-26
港鐵 > 港鐵路綫圖
大部份港鐵站內的大堂都設有街道圖,指示出港鐵站鄰近的酒店、文娛設施、購物中心、主要大廈及其最近港鐵站出入口。 站內也有位置圖指示站內設施。 港鐵站公共廁所,港鐵站 Wi-Fi,港鐵站自動櫃員機,「e分鐘著數」機,殘疾人士設施,港鐵車站設施,為視覺受損人士而設的設施,為聽覺受損人士而設的設施,為行動不便人士而設的設施,港鐵站出入口,客務中心,資訊中心. - 2024-09-26
MTR > Network Improvements - 港铁
To enhance community connectivity, the Corporation is committed to provide external lifts connecting between station concourse and street level at those stations which currently do not have such facilities. The Corporation has completed the retrofitting of 10 external lifts in the past years. - 2024-09-24
港鐵 > 主頁
鐵路網絡擴展工程. 鐵路網絡改善工程. 主頁 行程指南 (路綫建議) 行程指南 (車票建議) 車費優惠 最新資訊 聯繫社區 我們的服務表現 智能手機應用程式 鐵路網絡擴展工程 Go Smart Go Beyond 港鐵45周年. 車票及車費 車票及車費 特別計劃 常客車票計劃 機場快綫 ... - 2024-09-26
MTR > East Rail Line - 港铁
East Rail Line. The East Rail Line provides comfortable, convenient and reliable travel experience to the passengers crossing the boundary to Shenzhen via Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau stations. The two stations are directly connected to Luohu and Futian control points respectively. - 2024-09-24