- Annual Report 2002
Annual Report 2002
MTR Corporation Limited
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- Cover
- Vision and mission
- Contents
- Milestones 2002
- Key figures
- Chairman's statement
- Operating network and potential extensions
- Executive management's report:
- Business environment
- Railway operations (part 1)
- Railway operations (part 2)
- Other businesses
- Property review (part 1)
- Property review (part 2)
- Future projects
- Human resources - Corporate governance
- Sustainability
- Investor relations
- Financial review (part 1)
- Financial review (part 2)
- Ten-year statistics
- Board and Executive Directorate
- Key corporate management
- Report of the Members of the Board
- Contents of accounts and notes
- Auditors' report
- Consolidated profit and loss account
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Balance sheet
- Consolidated statement of changes in equity
- Consolidated cash flow statement
- Notes to the accounts
- Unaudited supplementary information for US bond holders
- Glossary
- Inside back cover
- Back cover