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Network Improvements PROJECTS

Station Improvement

To enhance the travelling experience of passengers, we are exploring ways to improve respective stations’ facilities along existing railway lines as required. Such improvements works include installing additional escalators to connect station concourse and platform, conducting concourse re-layout works to smoothen passenger flow management and providing ventilation system on open section platforms.

Project Description

The Corporation has been carrying out the station improvement works for the East Rail Line and Kwun Tong Line. We aim to ease the congestion at some spots inside the station to enhance passenger flow.

Kwun Tong Station Platform Relayout Works

To enhance the connectivity of different levels within a station and improve the passenger flow, we have built an extra lift and additional staircase connecting station concourse and platform. In addition, we have conducted station concourse relayout works including installing additional ticket gates and relocating some ticket gates machine so as to improve passenger flow and alleviate the bottleneck situations in the station.

Sheung Shui Station New Entrance D3

Kwun Tong Station New Staircase

Sheung Shui Station New Entrance D3

Kwun Tong Station New Staircase

Shau Kai Wan Station Escalators Provisioning Works

Two escalators will be built at entrance A3 and it is anticipated to be completed in 2024.

SKW is considered as a pilot elderly station to implement the Elderly Strategy. Ent. A3 is the direct link to nearby bus terminal and is heavily used by passengers. The stairs at Ent. A3 is steep and lengthy where elderly find it very difficult to get access to the stations. By building escalators, it provides convenience to the inform and elderly resdients living nearby.

Light Rail -Tai Tong Road Platform 1 Widening

Shau Kai Wan Station

Light Rail -Tai Tong Road Platform 1 Widening

Shau Kai Wan Station

Shek Kip Mei Station Canopy Extension Works

Entrance B1 is equipped with external lift and canopy at ground level, the extended canopy has started serving passengers to provide a better waiting environment since September 2023.

Light Rail -Tai Tong Road Platform 1 Widening

Shek Kip Mei Station - Canopy Extension Works near External Lift

Light Rail Stops Platform Improvement Works

The improvement works provide a safer and more comfortable environment with a wider platform space to facilitate passenger boarding. The works include widening platform area, extending and reprovisioning of canopy and reinstalling platform barriers and existing platform facilities.

Light Rail -Tai Tong Road Platform 1 Widening

Light Rail – Lam Tei Platform 2 Widening

Light Rail -Tai Tong Road Platform 1 Widening

Light Rail – Lam Tei Platform 2 Widening

Tsim Sha Tsui Station Entrance A1

Tsim Sha Tsui Station Entrance A1 has started serving passengers with a new look since December 2022. The newly replaced walls can radiate lighting effects while the upper half of the building retains a transparent design that can bring in natural light during daytime, providing passengers with a more pleasing riding experience.

Light Rail -Tai Tong Road Platform 1 Widening

Tsim Sha Tsui Station Entrance A1

Light Rail -Tai Tong Road Platform 1 Widening

Tsim Sha Tsui Station Entrance A1


Station Completion Date
Kwun Tong Station First Half 2024
Shau Kei Wan Station First Half 2024
Light Rail – Lam Tei Platform 2 Widening Second Half 2023



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