Replacement of High Voltage and Low Voltage Systems for KTL, TWL and ISL (Contract No.: C2318-19E)

Prequalification Invitation


Replacement of High Voltage and Low Voltage Systems for KTL, TWL and ISL

Contract No.: C2318-19E


MTR Corporation Limited invites qualified contractors to express their interest in tendering for the network-wide replacement works of the High Voltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) power systems for Kwun Tong Line (KTL), Tsuen Wan Line (TWL) and Island Line (ISL).


The HV and LV network of KTL, TWL and ISL consists of 33kV/11kV, 33kV/3.3kV, 33kV/1500V and 11kV/415V power supply and distribution systems including major assets like power transformers, rectifiers, switchgears, cables and protection and control equipment.  The scope of the Works includes the design, manufacture, supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning, maintenance, technical support and rectification of defects during the Defects Liability Period for the new HV and LV power systems together with the decommissioning of the existing systems in phases.  It also covers the provision of spare parts, special tools, testing equipment and training as well as training facilities to facilitate the operations and maintenance of the new power systems.


The prequalification process for the tender will take place in November 2018 and tenders will be invited in February 2019.


In order to be considered for prequalification, interested parties having relevant resources, qualifications and experience are requested to express their interest on or before 20 November 2018 via the MTR Corporation Limited’s E-Tendering System.


For applicants registered under the E-Tendering System, please click the following link and log into the System for expression of interest: 


For applicants not registered under the E-Tendering System, please click the following link and search for the advertisement notice of this Contract for expression of interest:


All invitations and submissions for prequalification and tender will be carried out through the E-Tendering System at


Applicants responding to this advertisement are deemed to have complied with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in the collection and transfer of personal data to MTR Corporation Limited. All information submitted including personal data, will be used by MTR Corporation Limited for the prequalification of tenderers for this Contract.


For enquiries, please contact Mr. Nicholas Zhang, Procurement & Contracts Manager - Operations & General on (852) 2993 2681 or by fax (852) 2993 7773.


This procurement is subject to the World Trade Organisation Agreement on Government Procurement.