Platform Screen Door and Automatic Platform Gate System (Contract No.: 1254)
Pre-qualification for
Platform Screen Door and Automatic Platform Gate System
Contract No.: 1254
Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified Applicants for the works and services described below. This procurement is subject to the World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement.
1. Background Information
1.1 The MTR Corporation Limited (the Corporation) is committed to serving the transportation needs of the community of Hong Kong by the provision of world class railway facilities. The Platform Screen Door (PSD) system for the 2 new extension projects as detailed below are packaged under Contract 1254:
The Tung Chung Line Extension (TUE) at Lantau North is a railway scheme to improve railway accessibility to the Tung Chung East & West areas. The Tung Chung Line (TCL) overrun tunnels at the existing Tung Chung Station (TUC) will be extended to the new station Tung Chung West (TCW). Tung Chung East Station (TCE) will be located on the operational line east of the existing Tung Chung Station. The new stations shall offer direct railway access to the Tung Chung New Town Extension (TCNTE) in support of its long-term and sustainable growth in population as well as employment opportunities.
A new above ground station Oyster Bay Station (OYB) with side platforms alongside the operating track of TCL is also envisaged under the Siu Ho Wan Depot (SHD) Property Development. The station is part of the future multi-phase development to complement the first population intake of the site.
1.2 To provide synergy for the works, the Corporation may bundle the Platform Screen Door (PSD) and Automatic Platform Gate (APG) system for Tuen Mun South Extension (TME), Kwu Tung Station on East Rail Line (KTU(EAL)) and Hung Shui Kiu Station (HSK) under this Contract. The projects details are as follow:
TME project is the extension of the Tuen Ma Line (TML) southward from its existing terminal at Tuen Mun Station, via a new station at Tuen Mun Area 16, to a new terminus at Tuen Mun South in the vicinity of Tuen Mun Ferry Pier, serving more communities in the region by providing commuters with our safe, reliable, efficient and environmentally friendly railway service;
KTU(EAL) is a part of the Northern Link (NOL) which is envisaged as a key transport infrastructure in the Northwest New Territories and New Territories North. It will connect the TML and the East Rail Line (EAL), forming a loop in the northern New Territories. A new Kwu Tung Station will be built on the existing EAL between Sheung Shui Station (SHS) and Lok Ma Chau Station (LMC), and it will serve as an interchange station between the EAL and the NOL when the latter commences service; and
HSK is a proposed new railway station to be constructed between Tin Shui Wai Station (TIS) and Siu Hong Station (SIH) on the existing TML, serving the Hung Shui Kiu / Ha Tsuen New Development Area (HSK/HT NDA) and nearby residents
1.3 Expressions of Interest are invited from suitably qualified contractors who have the necessary experience, capability and resources to carry out the similar works for the aforesaid Projects.
1.4 Contractors who are under prequalification for Contract 1554 - PSD and APG for TME, KTU(EAL) and HSK are not required to re-submit their Expressions of Interest under this Contract.
2. Scope of Works
The Contractor will be required to design based on the specifications provided by the Corporation and coordinate with other electrical and mechanical systems contractors and civil contractors includes interface design, programme and access. The scope of Works for the new extension projects comprises the design and construction of:
- Top and Bottom support PSD system for the new above-ground station at TCE;
- Top and Bottom support PSD system for the new underground station at TCW.
- Top and Bottom support PSD system for the new above-ground station at OYB.
- Top support PSD system for the new above-ground station at Tuen Mun Area 16;;
- Bottom support APG system for the new elevated station at Tuen Mun South.
- Top support PSD system for the new underground station at Kwu Tung built on existing EAL under an operating railway environment.
- Top support PSD system for the new elevated station at HSK built on existing TML under an operating railway environment.
3. Tentative Key Dates
Contract No. |
Tender Issue |
Tender Return |
Contract Award |
Contract Completion |
1254 |
Q2/2023 |
Q3/2023 |
Q4/2023 |
Q3/2030 |
4. Expressions of Interest
To be considered for prequalification, interested parties having relevant resources, qualifications and experience are requested to express their interest on or before 2:00pm 13 March 2023 (Hong Kong Time) via the MTR Corporation Limited’s E-Tendering System. Late applications shall not be considered.
Applicants who had submitted prequalification documents via Contract No. 1554 – PSD and APG for TME, KTU(EAL) and HSK will be notified separately on further prequalification arrangement for the revised projects bundling through existing channel. Duplicate submission is not required.
For Applicants registered under the E-Tendering System, please click the following link and log into the System for expression of interest:
For Applicants not registered under the E-Tendering System, please click the following link and search for the advertisement notice in respect of this project for registration and expression of interest::
5. Deadline to Return Answers / Information
Suitable Applicants shall receive a prequalification invitation via the E-Tendering System. The Applicants shall complete and submit all required information and details via the E-Tendering System no later than the time and date specified in the prequalification invitation letter.
All invitations and submissions for prequalification shall be carried out through the E-Tendering System at
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Van Tsang, Senior Project Commercial Manager via
6. Other Matters
As part of the required information, each Applicant shall be required to submit audited accounts covering the three years prior to the date set for submission. When an Applicant is a joint venture then each partner shall submit separate accounts.
Applicants responding to this advertisement are deemed to have complied with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in the collection and transfer of personal data to MTR Corporation Limited. All information submitted including personal data, shall be used by MTR Corporation Limited for the prequalification of tenderers for this project.
Applicants shall note and make themselves aware of the Corporation’s ethical and probity requirements which shall be applied throughout the tender and contract periods. Further, Applicants shall not, and shall ensure that its directors, employees, agents and sub-contractors shall not, offer or give any advantage as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) to any employee or agent of MTR Corporation Limited. Any breach or non-compliance with this paragraph by the Applicant shall, without affecting its liability for such breach or non-compliance, result in its application not being considered.