Maintenance Services for MVAC System at Investment Properties (Reference No.: PQ076738)

Prequalification Invitation


Maintenance Services for MVAC System at Investment Properties

Reference No.: PQ076738


MTR Corporation Limited invites qualified companies to express their interest in tendering for the 3-year Maintenance Services Contract for MVAC System at Investment Properties.


The scope of services includes:-


a) Preventive and corrective maintenance on the MVAC system (air side and water side system), sea water plant and plate heat exchanger including ventilation system and smoke extraction system for commercial shopping arcade, carpark, Cross Border Coach Terminus, plant rooms, back of house area, property offices of the Corporation and public open space;


b) Any MVAC related improvement and modification works


Tentative Tender Invitation Date  :  2nd Quarter of 2020

Tentative Contract Award Date    :  4th Quarter of 2020


Interested companies should register in writing to Procurement & Contracts Department at 20/F, MTR Headquarters Building, Telford Plaza, 33 Wai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong on/before 2:00pm on 6 May 2020 together with the following information for prequalification:-



Please download, complete and return "Submission of Information for Prequalification" template:-



1.     Company Profile with supporting documents including the following



 1.1  Year of establishment and company background

 1.2  Organization chart of Hong Kong office and number of employees

 1.3  Copy of certificate of Registered Specialists Contractor (ventilation

       works category) issued by the relevant Government Department.






2.     Relevant job reference for maintenance service of MVAC system, oil free

        chiller, sea water chiller system and smoke extraction system for

        shopping centres / commercial buildings in the past 8 years (based on

        commencement date) with contract value:-


  •   From HK$10M to HK$15M
  •   > HK$15M

 Please give details on client, site location, description of contract works,

 contract value, project commencement date, completion date and, if

 applicable, client's appreciation letter.







3.      Detailed information on your management and project team:-


  3.1  Structure of Management Team and Project Team with C.V.s of key

        members indicating their working experience, qualification and

        relevant training.


  3.2  No. of direct technical staff employed indicating technical staff /

        foremen with relevant trades and experience.






4.     Quality Management System with relevant policy, manual, plans,

        numbers of dedicated personnel (e.g. registered safety officers, safety

        supervisors) and certificates issued by recognized organizations (e.g. ISO

        9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001)


  4.1   Safety Management

  4.2   Environmental Management

  4.3   Quality Management











5.     Audited financial statement for the latest 3 years



6.     Questionnaires

  6.1   Compliance to Supplier Code of Practice

  6.2   Corporate Responsibility Questionnaire

  6.3   Environmental Management Questionnaire






7.     Disclosure of Interest




Only qualified contractors will be invited to tender.


Companies shall not submit independent Expression of Interest for the Contract if they intend to act as a supplier, sub-contractor or sub-consultant for another company, or if they are a partner of a joint venture established to tender for the Contract.


Companies having linkage to each other, e.g. subsidiaries, holding or sister companies, shall not apply for prequalification as a tenderer for the same Contract, whether on their own or as a partner of a joint venture. “Sister companies” shall mean all companies which are subsidiaries of or otherwise belonging to the same holding company. The existence of a holding-subsidiary relationship shall be determined in accordance with the provisions in Sections 13 to 15 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) of Hong Kong. Companies having linkage to each other shall determine which company will apply for prequalification.


All companies responding to this advertisement are deemed to have complied with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in the collection and transfer of personal data to MTR Corporation Limited. All information submitted including personal data, will be used by MTR Corporation Limited for the prequalification of tenderers for this Contract.


For enquiries, please contact Mr Billy Cheung, Procurement Officer on (852) 2993 2072 or by email at


This procurement is subject to the World Trade Organisation Agreement in Government Procurement.