
General Procurement

Reference No. M1243-21E
Title or Scope Maintenance Services for Advertising Products in DUAT, EAL and TML
Anticipated Date of Prequalification Invitation Completed
Anticipated Date of Prequalification Submission or Category of Work in Approved List Completed
Anticipated Date for Invitation to Tender Completed
Anticipated Date of Contract Award 4Q/2025
Tendering Procedure Selective
Covered by WTO GPA (Y/N) Y
Estimated Range of Cost / Awarded Value M1
Contact Person Ms Clare Au Yeung
Telephone Number 2993 2217
Fax Number 2993 7773
E-mail Address


1.  Please refer to announcement under "Invitation for Tender / Expression of Interest" for more details on pre-qualification submission.
2.  TBA = To be advised later
3.  WTO GPA = World Trade Organization's Agreement On Government Procurement.
4.  The Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender or any tender, and reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about the terms of the offer.
5.  Range of Estimated Cost - M1 - Up to HK$40M; M2 - HK$35M - HK$110M; M3 - HK$90M - HK$220M; M4 - HK$180M - HK$330M; M5 - Exceeding HK$300M


Last Updated: 11 Mar 2025