Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility


Exhibition dates: 15.7.2024 – 7.10.2024

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For 45 years, passengers have flowed in and out of an underground railroad system that criss-crosses the whole city, allowing for endless encounters and making ordinary days, extraordinary. Commencing today (15 July), the "Railscape Reminiscence" exhibition at Exit J of Central Station is the latest installment in the Art in MTR series. Curated by Hiuman Lam, founder of "Hong Kong Reminiscence," in collaboration with former press photographer Billy Ho, the exhibition captures the journeys of passengers and the dynamic scenery of the MTR from the 1990s to modern-day Hong Kong. The exhibition also features the winning submissions from the “Every Moment, New Memories Begin” Photo Contest that showcases the public’s encounters with the mass transit system. The three-part exhibition mimics three parallel tracks, symbolically flowing with the stream of passengers within Central Station.

As a photojournalist for 30 years, Billy Ho was always on the road, with the convenient and speedy MTR as his preferred mode of transportation. During his travels, he would often capture the chance encounters of ordinary people that he saw within the train compartments. The exhibition features 20 of Ho’s evocative black-and-white film photographs taken in the early 90s. These images include a blue-collar worker nodding off for a nap, a young student having a bit too much fun, a monk free from worldly woe, and a doting couple nestled in a corner – all captured through his lens to document a generation of passengers. These photographs stand as vivid records of Ho's observations outside his professional assignments. Some images bear the marks of time, now slightly dusty or out of focus, reflecting the limitations of the equipment and technology available to him at the time.

Billy Ho says, “These are not the kind of beautiful pictures you’d frame and hang on the wall but they reflect the reality of Hong Kong in the 1990s including the clothing, hairstyles, everyday objects or activities of the zeitgeist. These black-and-white photos make up a mosaic of our city back in the day.” Ho's reflections on these works also reveal the artistic transformation of photography over time.

Fast-forward to 2024, post-90s’ born Hiuman Lam captures her urban explorations through words and photography. As the curator for this exhibition, Lam herself reveals 20 vibrant digital works taken in modern Hong Kong. Her display spotlights the interaction between the train, its passengers and the space in between, as well as the unique characteristics of different neighbourhoods across Hong Kong.

Lam says, “While researching camera angles, I have become a rail fan. Observing the daily life of the train and its interactions with the city, I delved into classic photography-related information on the MTR. Rather than pursuing challenging camera angles, I focused on the relationship between the train and its surroundings.”

Aside from the esteemed works by the two renowned photographers, the exhibition also features 15 winning shots submitted by the public. Selected from over 500 entries, these photographs were chosen by MTR Corporation, Nikon, and "Hong Kong Reminiscence" as part of the "Every Moment, New Memories Begin" Photo Contest. Also themed around the MTR, these captivating images explore encounters and departures on the platforms, the trains cruising in and out, and passengers lingering and passing through, all captured from countless unique angles.

Ms Linda Choy, Corporate Affairs and Branding Director of MTR Corporation says, “The MTR carries millions of passengers daily, like a fast-moving stream that flows through the city. It accompanies us, connecting people and places and creating countless memories. This photography exhibition offers a fascinating perspective and lets passers-by rediscover the beauty of everyday life surrounding the trains and appreciate the evolution of our city. We hope that the public can take a moment amidst their busy lives and savour these amazing works that not only record the development of the railway but also the changes in our city.”

Through the "Art in MTR" programme, MTR Corporation strives to integrate art into stations by offering space at MTR stations for art exhibitions to promote artistic talent, enhance public's art appreciation, and enrich passengers' journeys at MTR.