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MTR Mobile APK Installation

MTR Mobile not only helps you enjoy a more personalized and informative journey, but it also provides lots of useful information and promotions details on MTR Malls and Station Shops. Additionally, it enriches your daily life by providing a variety of content, including lifestyle, technology and tasty treats, along with a range of discount offers and benefits.

Furthermore, you can earn MTR Points from your daily travel, shopping and dining, which can then be redeemed for free rides and other rewards. Click here for more information.

For Android devices without Google Play, MTR Mobile can be downloaded by APK file. Please read MTR Mobile Terms and Conditions, if you download the app, it means you agree with MTR Mobile Terms and Conditions.

Please note that this website is the only authorized webpage to download MTR Mobile APK file. To protect your information, please do not download MTR Mobile APK file from other sources.

Scan QR code
to download

APK File

Installation Steps
  1. Download APK file via the above
  2. Open the APK file and install 
  3. Enable "Install Unknown Applications" *
  4. Click "Install" or "Update" to install or update MTR Mobile app

Note: Please remember to disable "Install Unknown Applications" after successful APK installation

*Exact settings location / button names varies with different Android Devices.

Requires Android 8.0 or above
It is encouraged you to visit this page frequently and process manual update proactively to ensure your device got latest version of MTR Mobile App and use the latest features.
Version : 3.4.0