Managing Our Environmental Footprint
Our Corporate Responsibility (“CoR”) Policy highlights our commitment to conserve resources, manage and mitigate environmental impacts of our operations, maintain biodiversity and address climate risks. The CoR Policy lays down a solid foundation to incorporate sustainability considerations into the entire lifecycle of our operations. To supplement the CoR Policy, we have established a Green Procurement Policy covering specific supply chain-related aspects and developed a Climate Change Strategy to stipulate our commitment and approach to addressing climate risks. For more information, please visit the Corporate Governance section of this website.
In Hong Kong, all designated projects begin with a statutory Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) which includes stakeholder consultation and input to identify any possible environmental impacts and recommend mitigation measures in order to minimise the impacts to an acceptable level. After approval of the EIA and obtaining an environmental permit for construction and operation, the detailed environmental requirements are specified in contract documents, including the employment of specialist environmental consultants, to ensure that project implementation is appropriately managed throughout its lifespan. During the construction phase, systems are put in place to support the planning and implementation of construction activities and mitigation measures, such as environmental data management systems for electronic tracking and monitoring of data and various environmental management plan submissions.
To promote knowledge sharing and partnership with our stakeholders, we have hosted forums, training and site visits with our employees, consultants, contractors, government officials and industry practitioners under the Knowledge Environment since 2012, and the EPD-MTR Joint Environmental Forum which we have co-organised with the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”) since 2015. Environmental non-governmental organisations are also regularly updated on the environmental aspects of our new line construction. In addition, we have established ISO 14001 certified Environmental Management Systems for Operations Division, Property Management Department, Capital Works business unit (the then Projects Division) and some of our overseas subsidiaries, to support the management of environmental impacts and drive continuous improvements during the construction and operation phases.
Combating Climate Change
Given the enduring nature of our rail and property infrastructure, we must be resilient and adaptive to climate risks in order to build and operate long-term sustainable transport networks and properties to serve our communities. Our commitment to addressing climate change is demonstrated by our support of the HKSAR Government's Climate Action Plan 2030+ which outlines plans for the avoidance or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to meet the obligations of the Paris Agreement. We also support the International Association of Public Transport (“UITP”) Declaration on Climate Leadership which clearly spells out the industry's responsibility to act and its commitment to climate leadership. Our Climate Change Strategy reaffirms our commitment to managing and minimising our impacts on climate change through mitigation and adaptation to maintain our climate resilience.
Please refer to the Sustainable Investment section of this website for our Climate-related Financial Disclosures.