All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey

All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey

MTR Mobile provides comprehensive traffic information. Open the MTR route map to plan your journey and access various travel information instantly!

Next Bus
View next bus times
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Tap the 'Next Bus' icon on the MTR Mobile 'Homepage' or 'Transport' to access the function Turn on the location services on your device - the function will display the routes of franchised buses and green minibuses within 400 metres. You may also input the route number or stop name directly for a more precise search. After selecting the route, the function will show the closest stop and the estimated arrival time of three upcoming arrivals within next 60 minutes.

Want to know the estimated arrival time of public transportation apart from MTR?

The "Next Bus" function provides real-time arrival information* for public buses and green minibuses, making your journey planning more comprehensive!

On the homepage, tap the "All Tools" icon in the top left corner, then select "Next Bus".
Enable location sharing, and the function will display routes of public buses and green minibuses within 400 meters of your location. You can also directly enter the route number or stop name.
After selecting the route, the function will show the nearest stop and the estimated arrival times of the next three buses within 60 minutes.

*The information about Kowloon Motor Bus, Long Win Bus, CityBus, New Lantao Bus, and green minibuses is provided by "" of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. Fare, schedule, and arrival times are for reference only and are subject to change without prior notice.