All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey

All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey

MTR Mobile provides comprehensive traffic information. Open the MTR route map to plan your journey and access various travel information instantly!

Trip Planner
Plan your trips
Phone Image
Simply input or choose your origin and destination station on the MTR system map, and tap 'Suggested Route' The function will provide you with a suggested route from the station exit, and the estimated transit time helping you get to your destination The function will also show you the Taxi as Feeder option. Tapping If the searched route is not covered by the MTR network, the function will provide alternative routes using other public transportation and Taxi as Feeder option If the searched route is not covered by the MTR network, the function will provide alternative routes using other public transportation and Taxi as Feeder option

Don't know how to get to your destination?

Trip Planner provides real-time MTR route suggestions and other transportation options*, making your journey planning easier and more convenient!

Tap "Where to?" on the homepage.
Choose your origin and destination stations on the MTR route map to view suggested routes, travel time, fare, and first/last train schedules.
Near the first/last train times, Trip Planner will show the relevant first/last train routes to help you plan your trip in advance!
To view routes to and from Light Rail stations, switch to the Light Rail route map by selecting the top left corner.
If no MTR route is found, Trip Planner will provide other public transportation routes and taxi options.

*Part of the information is provided by the Transport Department and third parties.