All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey

All-round information to give you a more enjoyable journey

MTR Mobile provides comprehensive traffic information. Open the MTR route map to plan your journey and access various travel information instantly!

Next Train
View next train times
Phone Image
Tap the 'Next Train' icon on the MTR Mobile 'Homepage' or 'Transport' to access the function; Select 'MTR' and choose your departing station from available lines and the next train information will be provided OR Select 'Light Rail' and indicate the Light Rail Stop you need, for example: 'Siu Hong' The function will provide the next train information for relevant routes at each platform

Want to know when the next train will arrive?

The "Next Train" function displays real-time arrival times for all of the MTR lines (10 lines) and Light Rail trains. For some MTR lines, you can also check the train car loading information.

On the homepage, tap the "All Tools" icon in the top left corner, then select "Next Train".
Choose your station on the MTR or Light Rail route map to view the train arrival times.
You can also find the same information on the "Transport" page route map.