Assessment Approach

Following the principle of materiality, we conduct a stakeholder-driven assessment every year to identify material issues which reflect the Corporation's significant economic, environmental and social impacts, and/or that substantively influence the assessments and decisions of our stakeholders. This process allows us to identify and address concerns and priorities commonly shared by the Corporation and our stakeholders.

The materiality assessment process consists of four steps and enables us to identify and prioritise sustainability issues commonly shared by the Corporation and our key stakeholders.

  • Step 1: Identification of Sustainability Reporting Issues

    We refer to the ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility to identify all possible sustainability issues which may be relevant to the Corporation and organise them into six main themes:

    • Governance
    • Customers
    • Employees
    • Environment
    • Supply Chain
    • Community
  • Step 2: Importance and have Impact on Stakeholders Based on Stakeholder Engagement

    Outcomes or feedback from the regular stakeholder engagement during the reporting year are integrated into the process to determine the relative importance of each of the identified issues.

  • Step 3: Importance and have Impact on the Corporation Based on the Enterprise Risk Management System

    We then evaluate the links between the identified sustainability issues and different levels of enterprise risks in our Enterprise Risk Register. This helps us systematically gauge the relative importance of each of the identified issues to the Corporation.

  • Step 4: Endorsement by the Environmental & Social Responsibility Steering Committee

    The overall findings and results of the materiality assessment process, including the level of materiality of each identified issue, are reviewed and approved by the Environmental & Social Responsibility Steering Committee.

The Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) are also considered during our materiality assessment process to facilitate the alignment of our business strategies with global sustainability priorities. We have prioritised SDGs 8, 9 and 11 as our main contribution areas. Our network of railway infrastructure and our residential and commercial properties provide the connectivity required to facilitate economic growth and community prosperity, which are important characteristics of a sustainable city. Our diverse nature of business and operations also support a number of other SDGs, namely 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13 and 15. Detailed links between the SDGs and our material issues can be found in our Sustainability Report.

Top Ten Material Issues

We conduct a stakeholder-driven materiality assessment to identify impact material issues that are important to our stakeholders and have significant impacts on people, the environment and the economy. Our materiality assessment results were reviewed by the External Review Panel. Please refer to our Sustainability Report for the complete materiality matrix and how we address the top ten material issues.

CategoriesTop Ten Material Issues

#1 Organisational governance structure and process

#5 Fair competition


#8 Customers' health & safety

#9 Sustainable products & services

#10 Customer service, support, and complaint handling

#12 Access to essential services (including avoidance of service disruption)


#25 Sustainable resource use (resource efficiency and water use)

#26 Climate change


#31 Community involvement and development