We commit to helping employees grow personally and professionally through learning and opportunities for career advancement, and to fostering their well-being.
Human Resources Strategy
Our Code of Conduct, which provides behavioural guidance for all employees, stipulates high standards of ethics and integrity set by ourselves and expected by our stakeholders. These guidelines also assist in ensuring compliance with corporate and regulatory requirements. To enhance internal awareness of these expectations, we have introduced education programmes including regular ethical seminars, mandatory online training programmes and a series of staff awareness programmes.
As our operations span multiple international locations, we have developed a global Human Resources strategy centred around three key pillars to support the human resources needs of our business expansion and growth strategy:

Human Capital Mobility and Development
We provide employees with overseas opportunities to facilitate knowledge exchange, enabling the transfer and localisation of best practices and expertise across regions. We also have a Global Mobility Policy which guides our human resource support and deployment and provides consistent terms for relocation across our global offices.
Talent Management
We identify and groom talented employees to build the corporate talent pipeline to meet business and succession needs. Personalised development plans are formulated for talents, including a diverse range of enrichment opportunities such as job rotations, project-based assignments, taking up different roles within MTR, mentoring/ coaching and other development activities.
Corporate Culture Development
To ensure consistency of the local initiatives and strategies across regions with our global Human Resources strategy, the human resources function organise joint meetings across all hubs to reinforce our corporate culture and align expectations for identifying suitable candidates to join our workforce.
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Recruitment Practices
In order to facilitate a rolling induction of talented individuals into our organisation, we have established multiple recruitment channels and career development paths. We seek individuals who share our organisational values and exhibit characteristics such as the pursuit of excellence and continuous improvements, a proactive approach to resolving challenges, a commitment to caring services for our customers, and a quest for opportunities to learn and develop. Those who join us are provided with the training and development opportunities necessary to support their personal and professional growth.
In Hong Kong, we have implemented various leadership development programmes and training schemes, including graduate development programmes which focus on general management capabilities and programmes focused on professional expertise and technical apprenticeships, to ensure that we are consistently welcoming new waves of young talent to drive our business forward.

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Employee Learning and Development
We foster a culture of continuous learning to drive the growth and success of our employees. We are committed to offering a wide range of learning resources, training programmes and schemes for the personal growth and professional development of our operating and technical staff as well as our management staff.
Our Learning & Development Department (“L&DD”) offers a training and development curriculum on a variety of leadership, management and business topics, delivered in various learning modes including online learning, workshops, virtual classroom, webinar and experiential learning. We have also launched Learning Management System (LMS) which provides self-learning resources to enable learning anytime anywhere.
Our Operations Training Department (“OTD”) provides a training curriculum covering operations and safety training, technical training and IT training to assist staff and contractors in performing their duties efficiently while meeting the operational, safety, technical and maintenance requirements of the Corporation. Certifications of qualification will be issued to those who successfully passed all relevant assessments. The Department has obtained the ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems certifications for the design, development, implementation and evaluation of training and related consultancy services.
Employee Wellness
Caring for the well-being of our staff extends beyond the workplace and includes providing support to enable them to fulfil their family obligation. We have incorporated work-life balance and family-friendly practices into our employment approach, offering a wide range of supportive benefits including full-paid marriage leave, maternity and paternity leave, adoption leave, compassionate leave, study leave, well-being leave, free travel on MTR and medical benefits for their eligible dependants. Furthermore, a Wellness Platform is in place for staff to redeem health/ wellness related products and services. Other family-friendly facilities and arrangements, such as lactation rooms and lactation breaks, are also offered to our staff.
We have Corporate Wellness Programmes in place to promote mental, intellectual, social and physical wellness to employees. Health-related information seminars and activities are organised regularly to educate our employees and we continue to provide them with free seasonal influenza vaccinations annually. As part of our holistic approach, our ICAN Programme focuses on maintaining our employees' mental health through stress management techniques and raises awareness of mental health issues that may affect our workforce. We have developed a dedicated Emotional Wellness One-stop Learning Portal to provide employees with a range of useful resources, including online courses, workshops and seminars relating to stress management and mental resilience. Additionally, all MTR Hong Kong employees and their eligible dependants may seek support from a professional counsellor via our dedicated 24-hour counselling service hotline.
To further promote work-life balance, we organise a variety of annual events for employees to enjoy with families and friends. Current and retired Hong Kong employees can also enjoy a wide variety of recreational and sports facilities and activities at the Metro Recreation Club with their families and friends for a nominal fee. Additional family support is provided through a number of scholarships for children of employees who are studying at local schools and educational institutions. To connect with the community, employees, retirees and their families and friends can also participate in volunteering activities under the More Time Reaching Community Scheme. We also conduct retirement planning seminar for retiring employees under the “We are MTR” Programme.
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Corporate Culture
The Corporation has defined its Vision, Purpose and Values to align and build a unified corporate culture. The Vision, Purpose and Values help our employees understand, observe and adopt the Corporation's outlook for the future of the organisation. The fast-changing world requires us to remain innovative, agile and flexible. To move the company forward, it is of paramount importance to further strengthen our culture. While upholding MTR's values, we need to put the four “Cultural Focus Areas” into practice – Participative Communication, Effectiveness & Innovation, Agility to Change, and Collaboration.

Corporate Culture Initiatives | |
Work Improvement Team “WIT” | WIT was established to provide our employees with a practical channel to apply the components of our corporate culture into the workplace. It encourages employees to take ownership and fosters communication, innovative thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills by allowing them to conceive and develop their own improvement projects cooperatively. These teams are formed voluntarily with four to ten members and a facilitator acting in a supporting role. |
Staff Suggestion Scheme | Our Staff Suggestion Scheme engages our employees and encourages suggestions or ideas for driving continuous improvement in the organisation. Our employees have provided many outstanding ideas over the years and have helped the Corporation in areas, such as resource management, operational reliability and workplace efficiency. |
Staff Consultation, Communication and Recognition
In addition to complying with applicable legal obligations concerning collective bargaining and protection against anti-union discrimination in places where we operate, we engage in proactive and open dialogue with our employees to maintain a committed, passionate and connected workforce.
In Hong Kong, to maintain trust and enhance communication between employees and management, we have a well-established two-tier Staff Consultation Mechanism, comprising the Staff Consultative Council (SCC) at the corporate level and 50 Joint Consultative Committees (JCCs) at the departmental or sectional level. The SCC is a single consultative body for management and employees to exchange views on corporate-wide matters, such as pay and benefits, organisation and manpower issues, corporate business updates, major policy changes, and safety performance, while the JCCs provide a platform for employees to discuss with management on work-related matters at departmental or sectional level, such as working conditions and facilities, roster arrangement, work safety and efficiency. In addition, regular meetings and communication sessions between management and staff unions are held to keep track of staff sentiments and proactively engage employees’ support for corporate initiatives. An online platform for the “Enhanced Staff Communication Programme” is also in place to facilitate the communication of corporate messages by line managers.

To show appreciation for our employees' dedication to excellence and to recognise their accomplishments, we have established a variety of awards and honours in addition to the performance-based salary reviews.
Awards | Details |
MTR Grand Awards for Outstanding Contribution Scheme (comprising Grand Awards, Breakthrough Innovation Awards, Cultural Focus Awards) |
Living the MTR Values Award Scheme | This scheme enables managers and supervisors to recognise individuals or teams whose actions and behaviours exemplify MTR's values and corporate culture. Exemplary stories of awardees are shared on the We Praise We Support platform of our Enterprise Information Portal. |